Sunday, March 05, 2006


1 year on,
and she's still not over him
even though she had hidden it in her heart,
and left it in a corner,
just hearing his voice,
brings her feelings and familiarity back
the tears that flowed...
the look on her face...
the confession she made....


though i may look ok...
you know...i know...
...its not...the case...

its hard...really hard....
to scale the height....that he had left...
the impression....the mountain....
its daunting....

we may be different... you may say....
he's a guy with these attributes...
and i'm another with a totally different character...
so it's unfair to said...

but sometimes i wonder...
... if what you're really looking for... not a guy like me...
..but a man... like him...

....i will still try....
for how long... i have no idea...
...till my legs drop...
or you say it's enough...


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