Sunday, July 20, 2008

As they were talking about their stuff last night, I can't help but feel that I really should be reading and be expanding my horizon over such matters. Although I do make it a point to keep myself informed on such stuff, but then I guess all I do is to absorb the info without really going deeper and analysing enough to come to any meaningful conclusion. Perhaps it's because of their daily jobs that allows them to have a more thorough understanding of stuff, but I guess I feel I should really be more ...what's the word to use.... gung-ho in this aspect if I really want to go into this sector.

Monday, July 07, 2008

pulling a veil to cover the emptiness

can only do that much to conceal the loss

Sunday, July 06, 2008

i thought that I could handle my emotions well....

...apparently I couldn't...
bumped into her...

looked at her...

smiled at her...

walked away from her...